A foot-based ludling and its implications for English footing
Coming soon
Gradient metrically conditioned lenition in Hidatsa
Generals paper [pdf]
Metrical, phonotactic, and phonetic evidence against asymmetrical iambs
MA Thesis [pdf]
A factorial typology of codas in the prosodic hierarchy
In 30th Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics [pdf]
Talks & Posters:
On the independence of stress and foot structure
5th Crete Summer School in Linguistics [poster]
Voicing as a diagnostic of foot structure
NELS 2021 [slides]
A foot-based ludling reveals English foot structure
2020 Annual Meeting on Phonology [poster]
Phonetic evidence for exhaustive parsing in Hidatsa
Workshop on Hidatsa, Missouri Valley, and Siouan Phonetics and Phonotactics [slides]
Loud, even iambs: Evidence against the Iambic/Trochaic Law
26th Manchester Phonology Meeting [slides]
Harmonic bounding of degenerate iambs: An unintended consequence of foot binarity
10th North American Phonology Conference [poster]